A visual guide to repair process for Mitsubishi Meldas MDS series PSUs (power supply units) is added on our website.
The guide shows all steps of the repair process which includes full disassembly and parts cleaning,
application of new thermally conductive gel on radiators, independent testing and, if necessary,
fixing of circuitry, and final test in a test bench station environment which includes servo
drives such as MDS-C1-V2-4545, spindle drives MDS-C1-SP-150, 260, 300.
We support all models of Mitsubishi Meldas series power supplies MDS-C1-CV-37, 55, 75, 110, 150, 220, 185, 260, 300, 370.
The process is shown for MDS-C1-CV-260 power suply unit.
1) MDS-C1-CV-260_radiators. Cleaning of all parts is a part of repair process.
It insures that heat is dissipated effectivly and allows for wider range of operatable temperatures.
2) Old layers of thermally conductive gel are removed and replaced with new high quality thermal conductive gel.
This is done in order to allow faster heat transfer between working circuitry of PSU and radiators.
3) Radiators in place, the unit is erady for assembly.
4) Lower part of power supply is placed on radiators.
5) Upper part of power supply connected to the unit.
6) MDS-C1-CV-260 is fully assembled and connected to the test bench station
7) MDS-C1-CV-260 power is on. LED indicator status ready. Unit is functioning without errors.
8) CNC monitor screen indicates that setup is functioning without alarms.
9) Servo drive MDS-C1-V2-4545 is in ready state. Power suplly passed all tests.